Newspaper readers who would like to improve their golf game and lower their score need to look no further than Master Strokes, a weekly golf instruction feature containing practical tips from certified PGA golf instructors and magnificently detailed, illustrated panels from Phil Franké, a highly regarded illustrator of Golf Tipsmagazine. Since 2007, King Features Syndicate has distributed Master Strokes to more than 150 newspapers around the country.
Created and illustrated by Phil Franké, Master Strokesoffers unparalleled expert advice and visual techniques to recreational golfers of all ages and levels. Franké collaborates with distinguished golf instructors such as Jim McLean, who ranks as the No. 3 golf instructor in the United States, and Keith Lyford and Dana Rader, both of whom rank among the Top 50 golf instructors in the country. Together, they develop quick-read, easy-to-understand tips and graphic mini-lessons that enable golfers to visualize new approaches to the sport’s most frustrating challenges.
“All golfers, no matter what their handicap, are looking for ways to lower their score and improve their game.” says Franké. “My illustrations show readers step-by-step how to execute each skill. I guarantee that reading Master Strokes will enhance any golfer’s skills and overall game.”
Each week, Master Strokes contains three illustrated golf lessons that sports page editors can run together or as stand-alone panels. Two “Today’s Tips” panels provide easy-to-follow directives and useful advice to golfers of every handicap. One of these panels is available in color. The “Seniors Tip” panel recommends subtle adjustments to older golfers that will help them avoid injuries and polish their games.